Sindragosa Gold - Sunwell Gold - Buy Sunwell Sindragosa Gold
(WotLK WoW Private Server by, formerly Synergie)

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The packages below are intended and available only for the Sunwell Sindragosa realm - a private Wrath of the Lich King server. The realm was launched on 25th May 2022 by Sunwell ORG

The Sunwell Sindragosa gold price was last updated today, 20th April 2024 (EU Time). We offer the best price for the realm.
We offer multiple delivery choices including a safe option with 20% bonus included.

Buy Sindragosa WOTLK - Level 30-80 Accounts

Our Sunwell Sindragosa accounts are very secure, they were created with the purpose of being sold.

Sunwell Gold for Sale

Sunwell gold is often confused with the name of the realm - While Sunwell is the entire project, Sindragosa is the main realm of the project.

Sunwell's WOTLK - Sindragosa Realm

Important information: The realm was formerly known as Synergie Sindragosa, functioning as part of the Synergie Private WoW server now merged with

As many are now aware, the WoW Project is the combined effort of the and private WoW Projects which mostly focus on vanilla versions like the Wrath of the Lich King (WotLK WoW) and The Burning Crusade Vanilla (TBC). Originally, Whitemane contemplated their release of their second WotLK realm called Balnazzar, which due to the merge of the two websites, was renamed into Sindragosa. At the moment, Sindragosa is the most popular, high population private Wrath of the Lich King server in existence. Sindragosa was launched on 13th November 2021. Our website, Gold4Vanilla offers Sindragosa gold also known as Sunwell Gold at affordable, cheap rates.

Buy Sunwell Sindragosa Gold & Accounts
Sunwell Sindragosa Server Info
  • Path of the Adventurer Mode
  • - Leveling Rates: Starting at level 1, with x6 and x12 rates
  • - Drop, Reputation and Profession rates: x2
  • Path of the Champion
  • - Leveling Rates: Starting at level 68, with x3 and x6 rates
  • - Drop, Reputation and Profession rates: x1
  • - Faction Ratio: %55 Ally | %45 Horde
  • - Population Peak: 4444 5555+ players
  • - Realm Patch: 3.0 version Wrath of the Lich King

More Information about Sindragosa

The name of the realm Sindragosa, is delivered from Sindragosa - formerly the wife and prime-consort of Malygos and Queen of the Blue Dragonflight, is a mighty frost wyrm who was raised by the Lich King himself at Sindragosa's Fall in Icecrown.[2] She is the very same frost wyrm that the Lich King raised in the Wrath of the Lich King cinematic, as the same scene is played out after completing the quest Where Dragons Fell... Blinded and near death, Sindragosa after being wounded by Deathwing sought desperately to reach the Dragonblight — the place where dragons instinctively travel to die. No longer able to fly, Sindragosa plummeted to the cold earth in the region of Icecrown. The blue dragon gathered what remained of her energy and called out to Malygos for aid. Her only answer was the howling arctic wind as she struggled on, but the distance was far too great; agonizingly she realized that her spirit would not find rest within the Dragonblight. Her life continued to fade away as her sanity deteriorated..

About the Sindragosa realm, taken from their website:
After creating a character, the players will have to choose their way. Sindragosa offers two ways of leveling, Path of the Champion (starts at level 68) and Path of the Adventurer (starts at level 1). For many players it won’t be that clear of a choice, because both ways will have their pros and cons. Soon we will release an instructional video of our system.

Path of the Adventurer
Players start at level 1 with x6 (x12 with Double XP) rates. They receive Celestial Steed, which is usable from level 20 and scales with riding. Riding itself will be included in auto-spell learning, which means that all levels of riding, including Cold Weather Flying and Epic riding, will be completely free. Additionally, players that choose leveling from level 1, will have their reputation, profession, and drop rates set at x2. Only characters choosing Path of the Adventurer are eligible for realm first achievements and titles for race, class, profession, and reputation (Northern Vanguard). Raid realm firsts are available for all characters, no matter what path they choose.

Path of the Champion
Players start at level 68 with x3 (x6 with Double XP). They receive starter gear for the selected proficiency, four 16-slot bags, and 100% riding. Reputation, profession, and drop rates are set at x1. All spells, except riding, are automatically learned. Path of the Champion characters will choose their starting area in Northrend: Howling Fjord or Borean Tundra.

Our network of farmers quickly joined both the Horde & Alliance flanks, and we now have ample supply of cheap Sindragosa Sunwell gold for sale.